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Christian Enevoldsen, MA, LPC
2 min read
The Lyrics of Depression: And Finding Your Way Through the Fog
One thing I’ve appreciated through all the work I get to do is learning from my clients. As anyone who has participated in therapy can...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
3 min read
The Darkness of Depression: And How to Find Your Way Back to the Light
So, the last few weeks have been extremely difficult for me I've been in a very dark space I couldn't say what prompted me to go into...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
2 min read
Anger and Depression in Men: When One is Disguised as the Other
Growing up, I cannot ever remember a time when depression was ever discussed. Being an only child growing up in West Texas most of my...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
Alone, Together: Managing Depression Against the Backdrop of a Relationship
“I don’t want you to go, I just want to be alone with you here.” -Tom in The Five-Year Engagement. I recently watched this movie with my...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
3 min read
Holiday Blues: Wellness For the Holiday Season
With Halloween in the rearview mirror, I have already started hearing commercials for Christmas, and my mother asked me just this morning...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
2 min read
What's Wrong With Me? - What Your Depression Says About You
Tired? Feeling drained? Have low energy? No longer enjoy doing things that you used to have excitement about? Can’t sleep? Sleep too...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
3 min read
But I Don't Want Meds: How Your Bias Could be a Roadblock for Healing
Almost everyday I sit across from someone who is struggling with some aspect of life that seems unsurpassable. True it is seldom someone...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
The Summertime Blues: When Sunshine Doesn't Cure the Sadness
The sun is shining, the days are longer, and vacation is near. Summer is here and that cold-weather depression is gone… right? I mean it...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
2 min read
When the Sun Ain't Shining: Understanding and Managing Your Depression
Have you ever heard a commercial with these questions: Feeling down? Finding it hard to get up in the morning? Unmotivated to do...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
Covert Depression in Men: When the Symptoms Aren’t So Obvious
“Depression? Get out of here! I am NOT depressed. I’m not sad. I get out of bed and go to work every day. I still have things that I...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
Could it Be Depression?: How Depression Hides in the Male Mind
One of the hardest parts of my job is normalizing depression to my male clients. A lot of men would rather be diagnosed with scurvy than...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
Joy To the World?: 4 Tips for Managing Seasonal Depression
Joy to the world! It is the holiday season… so we are all pretty happy and that seasonal depression has disappeared, right? Unfortunately...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
3 min read
Stop Running Away!: How Avoidance Could be Harming Your Mental Health
Avoidance. We’ve all been there-walking the other way when we see someone from the office we don’t particularly like or not answering the...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
Supporting Your Partner with Depression
Roughly 1 in 8 men experience depression at some point in their life. Depression can be onset by major life changes such as losing a job,...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
Unreasonable Expectations and How They Could be Hurting You
We all have expectations for ourselves, and everyone else around us. Goal-setting helps us become better employees, managers, parents,...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
Am I Depressed?
Recently I saw a post on social media joking about depression and masking the fact that this person is depressed. The post said something...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
4 min read
Why Positive Thinking isn’t Helping Your Depression
Picture this: a group of kids is playing on a playground. One of the boys goes up for a layup, loses his footing, and ends up falling...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
How COVID Could Have Affected your Mental Health
So, the test was positive? Last Spring, maybe you were one of the unfortunate ones who heard the phrase you dreaded. “You have COVID.”...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
3 min read
Loving Someone with Mental Illness
“Why does loving you not feel like enough?” This question and it’s many variations can often be heard in the hearts and minds of...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
What Every Man Should Know about Mental Health and Counseling
Deciding to pick up the phone and call a counselor is difficult for anyone. Counselors often stress the importance and significance of...
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