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Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
2 min read
Subtle Signs of Trauma: When the Wounds Aren't Noticeably Visible
Trauma continues to be a hot topic in the news and on social media. Most of the time it is related to something related to a celebrity,...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
2 min read
She Left...Now What?: Learning to Rebuild when the Unthinkable Happens
Recently I have heard of many marriages succumbing to separation or divorce due to the wife leaving. The stories include examples of...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
3 min read
Traumatized: A Normal Reaction to an Abnormal Event
If you have read or watched the news lately, you know that in America, there have been a lot of mass shootings. There have been people...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
2 min read
Don't Avoid It. Process It!: Working Through Trauma Like a Boss
When I was younger I saw a male and my mother fighting, often. There were times that my sisters and I would intervene. There was one...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
2 min read
When Communication Doesn't Feel Safe: Recognizing Past Trauma in Current Relationships
One of the things I like to write about for these blogs are current issues that come up in session. I truly enjoy working with couples....
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
2 min read
Working Through Trauma: When "Get Over It" Just Won't Cut It
Many people experience trauma. However, not many know how to deal with the effects of trauma. What do you do with the thoughts that...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
3 min read
Trauma and Toxic Relationships: A Match Made in Hell
Trauma has always had a very diverse set of definitions dependent on criteria set forth by the DSM-5. If you are determined to have a...
Christian Enevoldsen, MA, LPC
3 min read
Elephants and Trauma: From Pachyderms to PTSD and What You Should Know
Elephants and trauma: they’re really not that different. But to see their similarities, let's talk first about what trauma is and then we...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
3 min read
Take Control of Trauma: Because it Doesn't Have to Own You
Who wants to talk about or deal with the trauma? If we talk about it, we have to admit it happens and sometimes we have to get even...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
2 min read
Trauma and the Mask Men Wear: Knowing How and When to be Authentic
I have been trying for a while to figure out how to write this particular blog on trauma. It is a difficult one to actually put into...
Paula Bibbs-Samuels, MS, LPC
2 min read
Understanding Trauma: Acquiring Knowledge That Can Help You Heal
Many try to define trauma based on their personal experiences. However, trauma is experienced differently for every person. My trauma...
Cody Curbo, Med, LPC, LCDC
3 min read
What is EMDR and How it Can Help You
Understanding Trauma Trauma has been a catchphrase in our profession for the last 3 or 4 years that I can remember. Every few months,...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
3 min read
Parenting and Trauma
Today I want to talk about something that is so deeply real and personal that it is having me channel my most vulnerable self to tell it....
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
3 min read
How to Detect Hidden Trauma
Imagine this, it is Thursday evening, you’ve had a decent week and you are hungry! You go through the local drive-thru, get you a burger...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
How COVID Could Have Affected your Mental Health
So, the test was positive? Last Spring, maybe you were one of the unfortunate ones who heard the phrase you dreaded. “You have COVID.”...
Cristy Martinez, MA, LPC
3 min read
Supporting a Partner who has Experienced Sexual Trauma
The woman you love has revealed that she has been sexually traumatized and it may feel like a bomb has dropped...
Joshuah Ellis, PhD, LPC
3 min read
What Every Man Should Know about Mental Health and Counseling
Deciding to pick up the phone and call a counselor is difficult for anyone. Counselors often stress the importance and significance of...
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